columbia road, london

peonies, roses, sunflowers, lilies. hydrangea, daisies, lavender, dahlias.

flowers were in full abundance on columbia road the sunday i was in london. i so wanted to buy them all, but opted instead to snap quick pics. the street was packed with locals and tourists alike. vendors kept shouting over my head "A BUSHEL FOR A POUND, ONE POUND!!!" causing me to trip over people's toes while i tried to keep moving in the line and not get distracted by all the options. i would love for ny to have a weekend flower market like this. sure, union square has a variety to choose from, but there was something so great about it being on this one road, a bit off the beaten track, on a gorgeous sunny day.

a great spot to grab brunch is royal oak - a bar downstairs and seating upstairs. delicious. warm. and a good vibe that continues from the street up into the local restaurant.