new york, i love you.

four years ago i packed my bags, flew to ny and landed on my sister's doorstep in gramercy. i slept on her couch, spent afternoons endlessly searching on the internet for jobs in coffee shops, and signed on a treehouse apt in the east village (9:30pm on the back of a sebring convertible - sketchy doesn't even begin to describe).

to take the words from james murphy's lips, "new york, i love you but you are bringing me down."

but when you bring me down, you go and do something to bring me up. like offer $5 bouquets of roses at the corner bodega or do that charming little thing where when the light shines just right you look like the most amazing city in the world.

a relationship that i believe not just me, but everyone who lives here has with new york, is that of frustration, hope, doubt, belief, optimism, heartbreak - the list goes on. it is like a friendship that you may part from one day but it will always be imprinted in your heart.

thank you, new york. for the past, present and future.